We lead, participate or support programs and initiatives that...
- Retain, expand, create, and attract businesses, jobs and investments.
- Enhance the quality of our workforce.
- Build up the regional infrastructure.
- Ultimately improve the region’s quality of life.
Through our free and confidential services we are here to assist all business expansion needs. We focus on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Sustainability and a Global Vision to assist the private sector in producing and trading valuable goods and services in a sustainable manner. With our partners, we help budding entrepreneurs start businesses, assist our home grown second stage growth companies expand their businesses, and attract businesses seeking a new location or expansion to reach new markets, and to benefit from the region’s multiple assets.
Our Team

Gary A. Camarano
Economic Development Director &
Enterprise Zone Administrator
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Over the past five years, Gary Camarano has assisted the private sector in creating and retaining over 5,000 family sustaining jobs. Working in both metro and non-metro communities, Gary has helped entrepreneurs start businesses, existing businesses expand, and businesses looking for a new or expansion facility find the right location.
Gary has organized and conducted Trade Missions that have helped open and expand markets for his client businesses; started Economic Gardening programs that helped businesses increase revenues and profits; and led efforts in “Farm to Fork” and renewable energy. Joining forces with businesses and educational institutions he’s worked to improve Workforce Development, and provide workers with the skills they need to compete in today’s job market.
As Whiteside County’s Economic Development Director Gary has co-founded the Northwest Illinois Film Office, to attract film projects and tourism to the region; started the Northwest Illinois Center for Economic Gardening; and was one of five Enterprise Zones approved for 2018.
Gary brings his business development and marketing skills honed over a 30 year career in investment and commercial banking to WCED, and believes that WCED needs provide services to meet the needs of its clients.